RuneScape is a Massive Multi-player Role Playing game that has been very popular in the last few years. With the recent addition of the grand exchange, RuneScape is a changed world. Here are some tips on how to get the most out of Tutorial Island.

When you register for an account, after you fill out some stuff and create a character, you will start out on Tutorial Island. The guides will tell you what they need you to learn and train in. After you leave the first building, you are taken to the pond where you fish. Catch some shrimp, cut down a tree, light a fire, and cook the shrimp. Then instead of continuing on the RuneScape tutorial, go back to your woodcutting and chop down eleven trees. That will get you to level three, which is the highest level you can reach in anything on the island. Burn the logs until you reach level three. As you get firemaking experience faster, you should have a few logs remaining. Keep these and catch as many shrimps as possible. Then light a fire and cook all the shrimp. Discard the burnt ones and keep the good ones, as you will need them later when in combat. Continue fishing and cooking until your fishing hits level three. You’re cooking will already be at level three by then, unless you burnt almost everything. In which case, continue until your fishing, woodcutting, firemaking, and cooking levels all hit three. Getting levels up to three before you reach the mainland is very important because it is a lot easier to do anything during the tutorial than on the mainland as a low-level character.

The next part is the chef, where you will make a loaf of bread. Keep this as well; you will need it and all the shrimps during combat. I will get to combat in a minute, but first there is some mining to be done.

Then you go underground and talk to the mining and smithing tutors. Mine some tin and copper, smelt them, and make the dagger. Then proceed to the combat tutor. You can always return to the mining and smithing after combat.

You will be taken into a cage of giant rats and given a bronze sword to fight a rat with. In combat, both your character and the rat will have green bars over them. As damage is done, the bar turns red. When it is all red, the character or beast is dead. You have ten hit points, which means you must be hit ten times during combat to die. And this is where the food comes in handy. Eating each shrimp will heal three hit points. The bread will heal five. Fight rats, one at a time, eating the food between each rat as necessary. If the rats drop any bones, take the bones and bury them. That will give you prayer points. Prayer is a skill that is not easy to come. A wise player buries whatever bones he can find. Also, pick up any bronze arrows you find. You will use them later.

If you are lucky to get your attack up to three, click on the crossed swords icon to the left above your pack and switch to a slash, the one that gives strength XP. When you run out of food leave the cage. You will not be allowed to re-enter. Also, I never tried to up my combat levels in the tutorial, so there is a chance it may not work. Keep a sharp eye on your stats logo (the colored bar icon just right of the combat icon) and make sure that when you hit, your stat still is going up.

The next step is ranged. Shoot as many arrows as possible. You may not reach level three, but it’s worth it. When you run out of arrows, try to beg more from the ranged tutor if possible.

Go back to the mines, and count your empty spots in your inventory. Divide that number by two and round down, if necessary. That is the number of each type of ore you can mine. Smelt the ore and smith them into bronze daggers. You will have to make about seventeen daggers to reach level three. Drop the daggers after you make them; there will be no further use of these. Proceed to the bank. Withdraw the 25gp for the sake of it, but don’t bother to store anything in the bank, as anything from Tutorial Island cannot be taken to the mainland either by pack or by bank account. Then proceed to the prayer and the magic.

The wizard will give you a bunch of runes to use on chickens. I don’t know how far you can go with it but he will just give you more runes should you run out of them. When you can no longer get any magic experience, go to the mainland.

When you reach the mainland, you will find in your pack basically everything that you were given on Tutorial Island. Anything you used or dropped will be replaced, and anything extra you gathered or smelted will be gone.

This ends part one, Tutorial Island. In Part Two, I will explore how a newbie in RuneScape can make some quick money.